A job evaluation is a way of ascertaining the value and worth of a job when compared to other jobs in the company. A systematic comparison between jobs will be performed to find out their relative worth. This is done to come up with a rational and defendable pay structure. This is possible because a job evaluation does not evaluate the employee but the job, and considers current company systems and structure in place, as well as, any future plans that may come. Jobs are then judged as being “low” or “high” in comparison to other jobs in the company hierarchy. A job analysis, which is part of the job evaluation, is a process in which the duties and responsibilities of each job in a company are determined and clearly established. A job analysis is very important to a company’s recruitment and retention policy as it uncovers the qualifications and competencies necessary for each job. It produces job descriptions that detail minimum hiring standards for jobs. This goes a long way in ensuring companies seek out the right candidates for each job, limiting the need to keep returning to the job market after a new hire proves to have been mismatched with the job. It is vital that companies get this step correct, as the practice of hiring and subsequently replacing bad hires is a very expensive one. To uncover the conditions of work necessary and the key competencies relevant for each position, interviews with staff or surveys may be conducted.
Compensable factors are the criteria used in evaluating a job and determining the salary level a particular job is due. They represent the aspects that a company values and are willing to pay for. Therefore, compensable factors are typically identified and classified based on the company’s values and culture.
In an HR Daily Advisor article titled “10 Critical Compensable Factors in Job Descriptions”, Stephen Bruce identifies the following as being important to the job evaluation process:
There are four broad compensable factors, as defined within the United States Equal Pay Act of 1963, under which most compensable factors fall. These four are:
When selecting compensable factors to use in job evaluation, the Economic Research Institute identifies the following 7 characteristics that need to be satisfied for the factors to be effective:
The Economic Research Institute further provides three common ways in which appropriate compensable factors can be determined.
Many organisations adopt standard job evaluation plans and thus the factors on which they are based are predetermined. Most organisations that do this, adjust existing plans to their own requirements. The factors in most existing plans tend to fall into the four broad categories outlined earlier. These factors are used in numerous job evaluation plans.
Through a group process approach, companies may build their own collection of factors. This approach involves bringing together a group of skilled individuals who know a great deal about the jobs being evaluated. These individuals are requested to review the job descriptions of a selected group of key jobs and to list all the job attributes, criteria, and conditions that should, in their opinion, be taken into account in the job evaluation. The group must then come up with job attributes, which are then put into a particular classification.
It is possible to determine compensable factors using statistical methods. Statistical techniques can serve to ensure that the proposed factors are actually related and relevant to the job, as well as, legally defensible. However, it is important to note that employees may not view some statistically determined factors as being relevant to their jobs. While the statistical approach is capable of evaluating how reliably the factors assess the jobs, it may not be financially or technically possible for all organisations to perform such analyses.
The following steps are to establish a statistically validated job evaluation:
As discussed, compensable factors can give an outsider a peek into the aspects that a company values and is willing to pay for. It is thus important to ensure that careful consideration is given to them to ensure the right message is conveyed.
Nyasha Mukechi is a Business Analytics Consultant at Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt.) Ltd; a management and human resources consulting firm.
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