Things to Consider When Using a Book Publishing Contract Template

PDF Template - book publishing contract template

Here is the best way to make sure your contract protects you completely.

Here is What We Will Discuss in This Tip Sheet

Contract Components

The basics of all book publishing contracts are similar. When using a book publishing contract template, you will want to ensure the language in each clause is properly worded to provide you with the terms which you find acceptable. Any changes to any type of contract should always be made in writing and co-signed or initialed by both parties.

Here are the basic clauses you should review in a book publishing contract:

Additional Potentially Important Book Contract Clauses

There are some additional clauses which you may wish to add to any book publishing contract template to provide you with further control over your manuscript and your final published book. Some of these include:

Best Practices for Book Publishing Contracts

There are some parts of a book publishing contract template which you may wish to further customize to meet your needs. Today, this may be more important than ever. For example, you will want to determine if a manuscript should be available for today’s market by defining information about:

Additional Resources

Signature Requirements for a Book Publishing Contract

Once you have customized a book publishing contract template and you and the publisher have reached an agreement on the specifics, you will need to ensure the contract is properly executed. Only properly signed contracts are enforceable. Both parties should have a fully executed contract in their possession in the event there is any dispute which arises as a result of the book’s publication.

To ensure your book publishing contract is signed safely and securely, and both parties have access to a fully executed agreement, you can use Nitro Sign. This is a safe and secure option which allows you to track the receipt of your contract and you can try Nitro Sign free today.