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The Scranton Lackawanna Health and Welfare Authority is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and the City of Scranton. Members serve staggered five-year terms.

The Scranton Lackawanna Health and Welfare Authority serves as a vehicle to provide tax-free financing for non-profit health care, health care related and educational facilities. Financing at the tax-free rate is either provided by local banking institutions via a mortgage loan or, through a Bond Issue.

Board Members

The Scranton Lackawanna Health and Welfare Authority is made up of 12 individuals - seven members appointed by the Board of Commissioners and five members appointed by the City of Scranton; the existing board includes:


The Scranton Lackawanna Health and Welfare Authority meets the third Thursday of each month at 5 p.m. in the Boards and Authorities Conference Room on the Fifth Floor of the Lackawanna County Government Center, 123 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503. Any members of the public planning on attending must call Mary Ellen Clarke at 570-342-2353 for an appointment at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

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Agendas/Minutes 5 documents